
The NACC is overseen by the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the National Anti-Corruption Commission (PJC-NACC) and an Inspector of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (the Inspector).

The PJC-NACC’s functions include:

  • considering proposed recommendations for certain appointments
  • examining reports tabled in Parliament relating to the Commission and Inspector
  • examining trends and changes in corruption and reporting to Parliament on desirable changes to the functions, powers, procedures, structure and staffing of the Commission or Inspector
  • reviewing the sufficiency of the Commission’s budget and finances and reporting on the outcome of that review.

The PJC-NACC cannot review operational decisions, methods or activities.

View the PJC-NACC Examination into the NACC Annual Report 2023-24 (PDF 362.21KB).

The Inspector of the National Anti-Corruption Commission is an independent officer of the Parliament.

The Inspector has the functions to:

  • investigate allegations of serious or systemic corrupt conduct within the NACC
  • investigate complaints about the NACC
  • audit the operations of the Commission to monitor the Commission’s compliance with Commonwealth laws and detect agency maladministration and officer misconduct.

The Inspector is able to conduct joint investigations with the Commissioner, and with the AFP or a police service of a state or territory.

Memorandum of Understanding 

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is an agreement that outlines expectations between two or more parties. The purpose of this MOU is to set out the arrangements for interaction between the Commission and the Inspector to facilitate the performance of the Inspector's functions, in particular concerning referral of matters, access to information and points of contact between the parties.

MOU between the National Anti-Corruption Commission and the Inspector of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (PDF)

MOU between the National Anti-Corruption Commission and the Inspector of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (Word)


Annual reports

Annual reports inform the Parliament and the public about our achievements, performance and financial position at the end of each reporting year. 

Annual Report 2023-24 (PDF 4.06 MB)

Transparency portal: Annual Report 2023-24

Corporate resources

APS Employee Census

2024 APS Employee Census results 

APS Employee Census highlights report (PDF 1.33 MB)

APS Employee Census highlights report (XLSX 51.87 KB)

Commission action plan 

2024 APS Employee Census action plan (PDF 391.47 KB)

2024 APS Employee Census action plan (Word 673.79 KB)

Audit and Risk Committee charter

The Audit and Risk Committee charter sets out the Committee roles, functions and administering arrangements. 

2024 Audit and Risk Committee charter (PDF 269.43 KB)

2024 Audit and Risk Committee charter (Word 186.92 KB)

Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity

On 1 July 2023, the National Anti-Corruption Commission (the Commission) commenced operation and replaced the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (ACLEI). The Commission is established under the National Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2022 (Cth).

The National Anti-Corruption Commission (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2022 (Cth) provides transitional arrangements for the completion by the new Commission of investigations and reports commenced by ACLEI which were not finalised by 1 July 2023.

View published materials and records on the ACLEI page.

Commonwealth Child Safe Framework 
Statement of Compliance

Statement of Compliance with the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework (PDF 109 KB)

Controlled Operations Annual Reports

Controlled Operations Annual Report 2023-24 (PDF 369.48 KB)

Controlled Operations Annual Report 2023-24 (Word 6.29 MB)

Corporate Plan 2024-28

The National Anti-Corruption Commission Corporate Plan 2024-28 (PDF 4.24 MB)

The National Anti-Corruption Commission Corporate Plan 2024-28 (Word 6.71 MB)

Corporate Plan 2023-27

This inaugural plan covers the four-year period 2023-27 and is prepared under section 35(1)(b) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (Cth).

The National Anti-Corruption Commission Corporate Plan 2023-27 (PDF 3.89 MB)

Freedom of information

The NACC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) and must publish a range of information on its website as part of its Information Publication Scheme (IPS).

Information released under FOI obligations will be made available in a NACC FOI Disclosure Log, and more details can be found on the Freedom of Information page.

Gifts and benefits register

Gifts, benefits and hospitality can create actual, perceived or potential conflicts of interest for public officials. To avoid such a situation, NACC staff members must generally decline any gifts or benefits offered to them in connection with their employment. Any gift or benefit they do accept must be declared.

A table listing gifts or benefits received by staff at the NACC is available on the Gifts and benefits register page.

Indexed list of departmental files

Under the Procedural orders of the Senate, agencies must produce an indexed list of relevant files every 6 months and for tabling before Parliament and publish it on their website.

A table listing the relevant files is available on the Indexed list of departmental files page.

Integrity plans and policies

Australian Government officials must perform their duties ethically, accountably and transparently.

To support this, the NACC has a range of internal integrity plans and policies in place. As an integrity commission, our staff members must adhere to the highest standards of professionalism and integrity. Publication of these internal plans and policies occurs on an ongoing basis and can be viewed on the Integrity plans and policies page.

Legal Services Expenditure Report

The National Anti-Corruption Commission Legal Expenditure Report (PDF 167KB)

Portfolio Budget Statements

NACC resources and planned performance.

Values and Code of Conduct

Commission staff members must adhere to the Australian Public Service Values and Code of Conduct. View our procedures for determining breaches of the APS Code of Conduct.

Invoices, tenders and contracts


To send us an invoice:

  • Email your invoice for payment to finance@nacc.gov.au
  • Or you can mail it to:
    National Anti-Corruption Commission
    GPO Box 605


Visit AusTender to find details of all contracts worth $10,000 or above that we have entered into.

NACC contracts

NACC Senate Order Reporting Compliance (Murray Motion) Calendar Year 2024

Pursuant to the Senate Order for entity contracts, we have published a list of contracts entered into by the National Anti-Corruption Commission, including applicable contracts entered into by the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity, subsumed into the Commission upon its commencement on 1 July 2023 which provide for a consideration to the value of $100,000 or more (GST inclusive) and which:

  • have not been fully performed as 31 December 2024
  • have been entered into during the 12 months prior to 31 December 2024.

For a list of all contracts required to be listed pursuant to the Senate Order, visit the AusTender website.

Most of the contracts listed contain confidentiality provisions of a general nature that are designed to protect the confidential information of the parties that may be obtained or generated in carrying out the contract. The reasons for including such clauses include:

  • ordinary commercial prudence that requires protection of trade secrets, proprietary information and the like
  • protection of other Commonwealth material and personal information.

The Accountable Authority of the National Anti-Corruption Commission has assured that the listed contracts do not contain any inappropriate confidentiality provisions.

We estimate the cost of complying with the Senate Order is $900. We determined this by calculating the time taken to collect, analyse and compile the information and applying salary costs and on-costs.

Freedom of information
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act) gives you the right to request access to government-held information.