
The National Anti-Corruption Commission is an independent statutory agency subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) and as such must comply with the Information Publication Scheme (IPS) established by that Act. The IPS provides a statutory framework for proactive publication of information held by Commonwealth agencies subject to the FOI Act. The IPS requires publication of certain information (mandatory IPS information), and permits optional publication of additional information (optional information).


The purpose of this plan is to comply with s 8(1) of the FOI Act, by showing what information the agency proposes to publish; how and to whom the agency proposes to publish information; how the agency otherwise proposes to comply with the IPS; and to ensure publication of IPS information is accessible, current, accurate and complete.

The plan includes links to the information published under the plan.


The Commission’s objectives in relation to IPS information are to be open and transparent, to the extent that the nature of our operational work and other relevant considerations permit, and to that end to:

  • identify and publish all mandatory IPS information and appropriate optional information  
  • publish IPS information in a manner that is accessible (easy to discover, understand and read, re-use and transform, as well as being machine-readable) and current, and compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (Version 2) (WCAG 2.0).

What information the agency proposes to publish

The Commission proposes to publish:

How and to whom the agency proposes to publish information

The Commission proposes to publish its IPS information on this website, which is open access. If you require an alternative accessible format of an IPS document, it will be made available on request. 

How the agency otherwise proposes to comply with the IPS 

The Commission proposes to ensure that its IPS information is accessible, current, accurate and complete.

The Commission will ensure, wherever possible, that its IPS information published online conforms to version 2 of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0). However, the Commission will prioritise publishing information in a timely manner, even if it is not initially fully WCAG 2.0 compliant.

The Commission will review this plan and its IPS information annually, in accordance with guidelines issued by the Information Commissioner, including the self-assessment checklists, to ensure that all mandatory IPS information is published in accordance with this plan and that it is accurate, up to date and complete, and to consider what additional optional information could be published.  The Commission will also conduct ad hoc reviews as needed, when there are significant changes to its policies, processes or the operational environment.


The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is responsible for the Commission’s compliance with its IPS obligations, including implementing this plan.

The Governance team is responsible for coordinating the identification of information required to be published under s 8(2) of the FOI Act, and conducting the annual and ad hoc reviews review referred to above. 

The Corporate Legal team is responsible for supporting the Governance team as required. 

The Media and Communications team is responsible for ensuring information published on the website is discoverable, accessible, understandable, machine-readable and usable.

Privacy statement
The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) is committed to protecting your privacy online.