The Commission is closed until Thursday 2 January 2025 (AEDT). You can still make a referral via the webform or leave a phone message. We will return calls when we reopen.
We wish you a safe, peaceful holiday.
Things you need to know before you make a corruption report.
What the NACC does
- Receive reports about corruption in the Commonwealth public sector
- Assess if the report raises a corruption issue
- Investigate and report on serious or systemic corruption issues
- Support other agencies to prevent and investigate corrupt conduct
What the NACC does not do
- Mediate disputes between you and others, including public sector agencies
- Review decisions made by public sector agencies
- Investigate state or territory agencies
- Conduct criminal prosecutions or impose penalties
You can also make a report by
- calling 1300 489 844
- International callers +612 61059600
Our phone numbers operate between 8:30 am and 6 pm, Monday to Friday (AEST) and requests for a callback may be left outside these hours.
The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) 131 450 can facilitate calls to us in languages other than English.
If you are deaf and/or find it hard hearing or speaking with people who use a phone, you can contact the us through the National Relay Service on 133 677 and ask for 1300 489 844.
Voice-only users please phone 1300 555 727 and ask for 1300 489 844.
National Anti-Corruption Commission
GPO Box 605